A Devil of a Time by Sarina Dorie

A Devil of a Time by Sarina Dorie

Author:Sarina Dorie [Dorie, Sarina]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Amazon.com
Published: 2020-05-06T22:00:00+00:00


Baba’s Sacrifice

In Lucifer’s shock, he let the light in his palm peter out. How could Baba be dead? From the cold of her skin, she’d been that way for a while.

Abigail rushed over to Lucifer’s side, stumbling into him. “Lucy?”

He held his hand away from her as he sparked the fire spell to restart. He looked to Baba again, wondering if he had been mistaken. Baba remained still. He couldn’t feel anything inside her, not magic. Not a soul.

This couldn’t be possible. Baba was all-wise. All-powerful. She knew how to fix everything.

And she had. She’d fixed Abigail. She’d stepped out of spring and into another season, knowing what it would do, in order to ensure he succeeded.

Abigail was only dressed in a shredded slip as she crouched beside him. She took the old woman’s hand in hers, the one not sliced. “Baba?”

Lucifer stretched out his awareness, searching for the residue that would surely be there. Abigail’s connection between body and soul was whole and attached with strings. Lucifer was aware of the many punctures in the fabric of this body. Surely a matching soul would be drifting nearby, a sliver of swiss cheese fragmented and needing his help.

Abigail’s eyes went wide as she stared at Baba’s skin. Like flakes of snow, Baba’s skin drifted through her fingers. Abigail let out a startled cry and dropped Baba’s hand.

The arm fell back against the rock, dust fragmenting away from the brittle bones and dried flesh. Abigail backpedaled away.

Lucifer wanted to use his electricity on Baba before it was too late, to revive her heart. He wanted to find her soul. He could save her with blood and pain magic. He still had electricity stored inside him from earlier.

And there were the remnants of the soul in the bottle. He didn’t know if he could use that to heal her. Baba wasn’t Amni Plandai, but he thought it might work. It had mended MacCoinneach.

He reached out to hold Baba, but she shifted through his fingers like dust. Abigail stumbled back farther. A cloud of petrified organs and powdered flakes sifted through the air around him.

Lucifer stood and backed away, trying not to breathe in the fragments.

He no longer had a mentor. For the first time since his childhood, Lucifer was free.

He didn’t know what to do with himself.


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